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Sustainability / ESG



Our Code of Conduct is a guideline for all employees of the ISEC7 Group. Specifically, the Code of Conduct is addressed to the management, executives and all our employees, customers and suppliers. The Code of Conduct is binding and represents, on the one hand, the demand on ourselves to live up to the values and principles listed therein and, on the other hand, forms a basis for partnership and responsible cooperation with our business partners.

  • Human rights
  • Environment and Climate
  • Working standards
  • Corruption prevention

ISEC7 is Member of the United Nations Global Compact

ISEC7 joined the United Nations Global Compact in June 2021 and is committed to complying with the United Nations principles for sustainable and responsible corporate governance.

Furthermore, ISEC7 implements measures for the implementation and further development of the 17 United Nations Development Goals (SDGs) for sustainable corporate governance and also promotes these in cooperation with our customers, partners and suppliers.

ISEC7 Group CFO Roger Dost: "We are proud to be among the first companies in Germany to commit to United Nations collective standards for human rights, labour standards, environment and corruption prevention and to implement the 17 principles for sustainable development and corporate governance within ISEC7."


EcoVadis | External Sustainability Raiting

Environmental, social and ethical performance - or sustainability - is now an essential factor for sustainable businesses. More and more companies, are improving their transparency and sustainability practices and publishing initiatives transparently to customers and business partners. 

We use ecovadis, the largest business rating portal with over 90,000 customers, for ongoing external assessment of its sustainability strategy.  As of 2024, we were awarded the SILVER status and now rank among the TOP 15% of all audited enterprises. We will continue our efforts to make the world a better place for future generations.


ISEC7 is operating carbon-neutral

ISEC7 is committed to operate carbon neutral

By usage of green energy suppliers, ongoing identification of energy savings, smart & intelligent energy management systems and compensation of our remaining carbon footprint ISEC7 is achieving it's own carbon neutral policy.

ISEC7 is operating carbon neutral since 2020.

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ISEC7 Whistleblower Portal

It is essential for ISEC7 Group to comply with laws, internal policies and codes of conduct. To fulfil this responsibility, it is important that we become aware of compliance-related misconduct.

In order to avoid any risks that could call our integrity into question and harm our company, our employees as well as business partners, customers and shareholders, ISEC7 Group offers a whistleblower portal to all employees, external partners and outsiders. This portal can be used to report violations of legal provisions and internal company regulations, either anonymously or by name. All reports are reviewed, suspicious cases are investigated and deviations from applicable guidelines and laws are followed up internally or with external support.


Charta der Vielfalt / Diversity Charter

ISEC7 is a signatory of the Diversity Charter.

The Diversity Charter (Charta der Vielfalt)  is an employer initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions. It is supported by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Minister of State Reem Alabali-Radovan, and is under the patronage of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.


ISEC7 Sustainability Report 2024

ISEC7 Sustainability Report
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