Posts tagged with "Workplace"

20. July 2020
Some life changes occur so slowly and incrementally that we scarcely notice them happening. As parents, for example, we only dimly sense the gradual knitting together of neurons that enable our children to progress from crawling to walking. Other life changes occur so suddenly and swiftly that we have little time to fully absorb their implications. Such is the case with the COVID-19 pandemic, which is forcing many organizations to confront critical gaps in their digital workplace strategies and...

17. July 2020
Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic can be extremely stressful for both employees and the employer. The influx of employees working from home can create several challenges for the enterprise. How do you enable employees who are not used to working remote? How do you quickly give them the tools and applications to securely access corporate data? How can you be sure your corporate data is secure?